Saturday, July 23, 2011

After nine yrs i decided to break up with my girlfriend did i do the right thing...need as much insight as pos?

After nine yrs i broke up with my g/f did i do the right thing? Last night I broke up with my girlfriend of nine years. She was so hurt and distraught I broke down. I told her I just need time and can't be in a relationship right now. I just felt we drifted apart. She blamed me for everything and lashed out. I spent most the night after I left with her on the phone. She said she wanted a life with me n she will never be with someone else n now she's alone. Also she said while talking that she for seen this and that im a lair and a monster. She want to move in a house with me and start a life together. Im very upset I wasn't happy for a long time and I just couldn't deal. Now I feel worse then I did before. I want to meet new people but I don't think I can do it either. I just want both of us to be happy. Im fighting to keep my self in check bc I feel like I made a mistake. I don't know what to do. Every thing just went to hell. I should told her this months ago but I though it was just a phase but I never got over it. I feel like I lost my best friend. I never did a break up before n now I feel sick. Please help... Also I never cheated on her but their is a girl im very interested that makes me happy when im hanging out with her. She knows I like her but I have not told her because I was in a relationship. Im not sure if it will ever be more then friends but I do have strong feeling for her. And that was part of the reason I broke up because I was feeling something for some one else and she deserves someone that can be there for her 100%

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