Thursday, July 21, 2011

Can he actually file a restraining order for this?

I met this guy a few days ago, we were hitting it off really well but then I noticed that he was downright delusional in a lot of ways. After a fight last night and today I criticized him for being mentally ill, he freaked out, insulted me, called me a stupid b****, and told me never to talk to him again. Now, I sent some distraught after texts that were not threatening at all, more along the lines of, "I was really starting to care about you and you call me all these bad things but I've never done anything but helped you and compared to how nice I've been this entire time you're being way over the top." For this, he claims he is going to court today to file a restraining order because I am "harassing" him. Will he actually succeed or is he just being dumb? I stopped texting him at all by the way since I'm not willing to get the cops called on me and I made my point.

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