Thursday, July 21, 2011

Very disturbing dream about death!!?

Heyy!! okay so right now its 5am and I'm trying to figure out wht this dream meant haha!! I found this dream to be very disturbing and it woke me up with this very unnerved uncomfortable feeling. But anyways what happened was I was in my basement with my sister and it was late late at night. But we could hear my dad talking to my grandmother, who has been dead for almost 10 years, upstairs. In my dream I have images of their conversation, through videos we find and things like that, but I never actually see her face. My sister and I then go and let the dog out and its all foggy, so I run inside. Once I get inside my sister disappears and my dad is sitting there. I never ever seen my dad like this before, he looks totally broken and he's crying. He tells me that he thinks my mom's going to die, and he gives me a specific problem. He also tells me he's afraid of losing his job and then being drafted into war. I then comfort him and we cry together. My dream then ends with me racing in my car to meet my best friend to tell her everything that is happened. i stop in a parking lot to call her and another car pulls up in front of me and 2 guys get out. One of them knocks on my window and I check to see that the doors are locked, which they are. the boys laugh at me and suddenly the doors unlock and they come in and i wake up. Ha sorry for the length I just soo wanna know what it means cause I feel like its a premonition or something. I've been having a lot of dreams about death lately tho, so I don't know if it relates to that. But answers would be awesome! thank you soo muchh!!

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