Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Help with this story - ideas needed?

The family could try to cheer her up. Give her words of support and advice. Tell her that they will be there for her no matter what. Then turns out her grandmother's business goes bankrupt. She has no money and no inheritance. The next day she goes to school after crying all night and her friends all turn their backs on her. Turns out they only wanted her for her money. She goes back to her boyfriends house and has some serious thoughts about suicide and ending her life, and right before she commits the act her boyfriend comes in and catches her. She breaks down and cries and he rushes to her and holds her. He promises her that no matter what he will always be there for her. Then three months later she gets a letter.... from her dad! he said that he got left behind on last minute business and is alive and well. He says to stay with the family and once he finishes out his contract he will come home and they will live together. He gives her words of encouragement and says that he loves her and is still there. She is thankful she didn't take her life and everybody is happy for her. She makes new friends who all love her for her. And they give her dad a huge sum of mmoney that is almost as much as her grandmother had before she went bankrupt. And her dad comes home and they live together, mourning the loss of her mom. But both happy. The end :) Hope I was of help today!

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