Saturday, July 23, 2011


Ive had premonitions since i was nine or ive at least took notice to what was going on. having a random thought and then it happens. or a dream that comes true. mite seem normal right. well this has been happening everyday since of the age of nine. i dont know that im having one untill that thought or dream happens alot of the dreams i have are about death. i take them as warnings. one happened april 3 2011. i had a dream the grip reaper came and gave me a funeral invite. i asked when they were gonna die annd he said today. when i woke up from my dream i got a phone call from my mom. a family member shot himself. im only 18. ie had a dream similar to this for every family member thats died. not every dream like that. i dont mind having this. im not sure if it real. is there a way to find out if they are real like i can somehow tell the fututre or if its all in my head. and if its real how to control it

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