Thursday, July 21, 2011

What is going on between this boy and me?

I'm 14 and so is this boy. I have this crush...well, no...I'm like in love with him right now. I've recently been having these dreams that we're together. The other day I had a dream that it was the last day of school and that I was running towards him because I was going to tell him that I was in love with him and somehow, as I was running, it shifted into our dress and all. And the dream wasn't weird or anything, it was actually rather beautiful...we were both happy and he looked at me in a way I've always wished for him to look at me. And I've also been having daydreams lately...that's it's graduation and that he kisses me and tells me he's in love with me. Like it's some kind of fairytale. I've always felt like he kind of liked me, and not until recently have I noticed that he's been looking at me a lot. I don't know if it's a sign. My friend keeps telling me it is, and that every time she has a dream, she always imagines us together. Usually dreams are like things that you want to happen or sometimes they're premonitions. I'm not saying I have a gift, I just want to know what the heck this means? Sometimes I get the impression that he feels exactly the same way but then I realize it can't be possible. I'm so confused. We've never talked or anything because we're both shy...I guess, but we know each other. Like, I know how he is and he knows how I am. His on/off girlfriend is really pretty and I'm like nothing compared to her. I'm not going to say I'm ugly but compared to her, I truly am not as beautiful as her. But my friends say that that doesn't matter, that's it's possible for him to like me, or even be in love with me. What I don't know is what my "last-day-of-school-premonition" means? Or my dreams? Or the way he looks at me? Or the way he acts when he's around me? He used to not look at me at all but suddenly he started to; he started noticing me. And I feel so horrible inside because I'm not going to the same school as him next year, but I really love him and it's going to be so hard to get over him. So, I said to myself, if it's in our destiny to be together then, we will be, and he will tell me something before I leave forever. Sorry if this is too long, but please answer all my questions. Thanks. -Chastity

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