Friday, July 22, 2011

Please help: So what else can I do now? 8 months pregnant & terrified & tired in VA. Help!? ?

My boyfriend/baby's father walked out on me about a month ago. My lease runs out at my apartment June 30th, begged to renew it but I got no sympathy from my landlord. I am now 8 months pregnant, and completely homeless. Thank God I still have my job but its not paying enough to pull me out of poverty. No one else will hire me due to obviously looking so pregnant, no matter how much I plead or beg. I asked my obgyn for help & they attempted to involuntarily hospitalize me.My obgyn is making me take fmla leave july 30th due to a very serious case of anemia, and stressful pregnancy. So I will have no income at all come aug. I have gotten everything available to me from social services: medicaid, stamps, waiting on wic which I probably wont recieve b/c the come to your home in order to see if your fit. There is no emergency housing in my area, and People Helping People has closed. There is no section 8 for 2 years. The housing authority is also unable to help at the moment. I have tried the Mercy House, who says they can only house me when my baby comes, and there is no more money to help until mid August. The salvation army has all rooms filled, and First Step a womens shelter says I need to be a victim of domestic abuse. Im sleeping in my car, and living off of food not good for an already sick baby. I only have my mother as family & she lives about an hour away, and is struggling to get by on her own due to helping me as best she can. I am so tired, very sick, at my wits end and am very scared. I am 25 & have never been homeless before. I have always been responsible & financially independant & capable until now. I have already lost my home, and soon my job and my car. I fear losing my child too. What else can I do for myself? Any help what so ever will be considered a blessing.

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