Friday, July 15, 2011

Does it bother you that all people who take narcotic pain meds seem to be vilified?

I use narcotic pain meds to treat the pain from herniated discs in my neck from an auto accident (not my fault) 5 yrs ago. I have numbness in my arm and have a horrible time sleeping unless I take a muscle relaxer, because of the extreme stiffness I get in the muscles between my shoulder blades. The stiffness causes horrible headaches that can be incapacitating. I don't like to take them and although prescribed more, only try to take them when I can't function with the level of pain anymore. The problem is that with the authorities jumping on the anti-pain med bandwagon, finding a "real" doctor who will prescribe them is very difficult. If a tylenol or advil helped I certainly wouldn't waste the money going to a doctor, or put myself through the pain of getting numbing injections directly into the back of my neck. I last went to a board certified anesthesiologist last year when I had medical coverage. I signed an agreement not to go and doctor shop for more pain meds, and I have followed this. People look at you and think you are a druggie if they find out you take narcotics. A lot of doctors won't prescribe at all due to liability. I personally think it is BS. My pain is real, but because of some bad apples, I have to jump through hoops to get the meds. Same thing with cold medicine from the pharmacist. I'm out of luck if I want to use bath salts in my bath water. There are those people out there that will find a negative use for just about anything out there. There was a professor who changed a reciprocating saw into a sex toy. Maybe now we need to ban those tools, or require ID's every time a carpenter needs to buy it. Maybe we should license it. An urn of ashes was stolen in a robbery because the idiots thought it was coke. Maybe cremation should be banned too. I think that pain is not understood by those that don't live with it every day. I think attention needs to be brought to this. People who require narcotics to feel normal because of a medical condition are being discriminated against. Sooner or later, no doctor will prescribe the meds. What do you think? Are you tired of the gov't pushing real doctors to not write the Rx's because of the local junkie?? There will always be an unscrupulous doctor out there that will write a script for 5000 pills a month. Go after those doctors and the pill mills. To me it is like the gov't not going after the doctor that commit Medicare fraud, but going after all doctors. I think that needs to stop.

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