Saturday, July 16, 2011

I fingered my girlfriend and now she hates me {HELP}?

My girlfriend was really into me, she used to text and call me every day and would not let me get off the phone and you guys the rest of the signs when your girlfriends really into you. Basically she called me around her house one late night and we were getting all 'freaky' and i fingered her (first time ever we went this far) and she feels guilty for what happened, I was apologizing to her face at the time she wouldn't accept my apology (she added she won’t ever speak to me again after I leave her house), however when I was leaving her house later that night she did however kiss me (not once but TWICE! Lol). Now that I'm back home every time I text or message her via msn she ignores me, I asked her friend to ask why she is ignoring me and as a result my girlfriend says oh I don't want to talk to him. Now I I've tried many ways of communicating to her and I don’t want to come across as desperate or needy, it's been a three weeks since I last contacted her and got no reply, and I haven’t attempted to communicate her after that, so I’ve been giving her time and space as that is one of the many options I chose to do. It’s been three weeks, and she recently just contacted me one of two days ago, asking if we could be friends (because she does not love me anymore, which honestly I don’t think is true, I think she feels regretful and guilty). I was distraught so I said no, because I see her as a girlfriend not as a friend being friends would only complicate that so I told her we should move on :( . Upset my girlfriend was like No, please (with a sad emoticon) and I was persistent and said no as a result she said fine then delete me and then ill delete you if we’re not going to be friends anymore. I said well if you’re going to delete me anyway so you might as well first, and then she was like no you delete me first because if you don’t then ill end up adding you back. Lol I said no you won’t don’t worry and she said yes I will (this is when I told her I had to go because someone was calling me). A day passes and turns out she has blocked and delete me :( . Can someone advice me on what to do, is it likely she will add me back, please people from the bottom of your hearts can you help me. Should I continue with giving her space because clearly she is missing me to have contacted me after she said she never will again.

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