Monday, July 18, 2011

Is there an army regulation on extra curricular activities?

I am a PV2 in th United States Army and upon arriving to my unit I did not pass my DIAGNOSTIC p.t. test. I shouldn't of taken it to let my knee heal in the first place, but i was stubborn, and the results of the test showed it. I play semi-pro football for a team here on post, and now my NCOIC is trying to tell me that i cannot play anymore. I am not flagged and have always scored a 260 or above on the 10 p.t. tests I have taken since I joined until this one. I am not on any kind of punishment whatsoever and was simply counseld because of not passing the test. Does my NCO have the authority to tell me I cannot play football after I get off work on my own time? It really seems like he is just trying to screw me over for some reason and I think this solidifies why. My question to NCO's in any branch of military is this. If you had a soldier whom you thought was struggling physically reguardless of his or her oustanding scores in the past, would you force them to stop getting in better shape by making them quit the sports they are involved in? I know he cannot physically force me to stop, but I really would appreciate an army regulation I could show my first line NCO to show him that he needs to realize the extent of his authority.

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