Sunday, July 17, 2011

Have you ever had premonitions/visions of the future, which actually came true?

Omg this reminds me of something really weird that happened to me, but it was deja vu.. I was in 7th grade and we had to write a story based on greek mythology. So i wrote a story one how the god of the underworld( I actually don't believe in this, i believe in Allah (SWT) ) married this one girl who really didn't want to marry him. And so she would always miss earth, and hate watching dead people. So after every 5,000 people died she would go up to the clouds, and cry in them. So the earth would get rain. That's why in funerals there would be rain. ( This story isn't true i jsut wrote it) Then like 2 days later this guy died, and on his funeral there was rain. So i guess it really wasn't a vision, but it was really spooky. Lol O.o deja vu is creepy.

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