Tuesday, July 19, 2011

I have dyed my hair 17 times in the last two years, my hair is so fried Help?

My hair is dry at the ends, I avoid brushing it when it's wet but to overcome the non brushed fluff ball I straighten it. I started trying to dye my hair blonde (not bleach it) I would start with a blonde colour then it would go gingerry brown (I have nothing wrong with ginger but this was not a good look for me) so I would put a dark brown on top and a few months down the line try going blonde again, it would be a repetitive circle until I found the dark brown I had used was fading into a light briwn which I loved but then had roots coming through (3inch worth) so I put a dark blonde over it sending my roots into a copper blonde colour then the rest of the hair dark brown. So I gave up and put a mahogany over it, this sent it a purple colour which I loved! But of course it faded into red so then I put cherry black onto it and it was getting redder redder and redder (I didn't mind apart from the fact my sisters wedding was coming up so I had to put a dark brown ontop which ruined my colour) so I wAited it out for a few months and dyed it brown again to remove the red tone so I could bleach it, well the brown had a red tone into it. So I thought screw it I'm bleaching it. That was a mistake I had black tips which faded into auburn then into Ginger then carrot then White, the only thing I could do was laugh! At this point my hair was falling out but it kept having growth spurts I was finally getting the long hair I had desired all my life. So I got a xxl colour live red passion, and by gosh my hair was red!! So I loved it bright red long hair until I used the wrong shampoo (baby shampoo) which kind of stripped the red to being an orangey colour I was distraught so I had to put a brown over it and now that brown has faded into a light coppery brown which I don't mind apart from the roots and the copper tone. My hair is so fried and damaged and thin but I refuse to cut it more than a cm! So in serious need of help! I can't afford salon treatment so it will be a home job!! Anyone suggest some decent priced products that will help me?? Please!?

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