Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Should I go to rehab or the psychward?

I'll make it short Ive been drinking and doing drugs since I was 12 I am 22 now I have been drinking every single day just about since I was 18 I have done every drug in the book except heroin I never shot up I tried to commit suicide last weekend on a friday by downing a bottle of Vistirals and a bottle of Trazadones but I didn't take all the Trazadones except maybe like 10 the most I felt really screwed up for like 3 days then I began drinking and taking Xanax again I have a rehab assesment tomorrow I keep thinking something bad is going to happen to me I feel very alone all I have is my mother I tihnk everyone hates me everyone I know does drugs or drinks I just want a touch of a human without them wanting sex from me I feel very alone and confused and distraught I can't sleep and keep whimpering "leave me alone" because I can't stop thinking I have OCD since age 12 and depression and psychotic features I was in the psychward prolly like 10 times my whole life since 12-22 I was in the psychward maybe a month or 2 ago I can't remember my brain is so fried and I was diagnoised with a psychotic disorder I can't stop worrying I can't sleep I don't feel real my doctor isnt giving me my Klonopins for anxiety til next week and I'm on Ativan and they make me feel really weird and horrible and suicidal I don't feel like I'm really here I can't breathe I am scared and alone I just want my mom to hold me I don't know what to do if I should go to detox, my rehab asessment tomorrow or the hospital I don't feel "right" I just got my period too I don't know if that has anything to do with it I feel ashamed and used and horrible and I drink all the time and I can't take my Luvox medication because I drink all the time and I can't stop mixing pills when I drink cuz I'm crazy and thats what happened when I attempted suicide I didnt even go to the hospital I just kept having weird dreams and went to talk to my brother in the kitchen the next day and fell backwards and blackout for a minute I don't know whats going on I'm scared about 2012 I'm afraid theyre will be riots and I had a home invasion by someone I knew I'm afraid hes going to come back and kill me I am very scared of everything and life I want to be happy I can't I don't know what to do anymore what should I do!? I don't know how to have relationships I am socially awkward and i think everyone hates me I am a nice person I have fits of anger I might be bi polar what should i do i cant sleep or relax my neck is so tense i dont feel right at all I have to be up in a few hours for my rehab assesment and I cant drive I guess ill take a taxi i dont know what to do!? PLEASE HELP ME

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