Saturday, July 23, 2011

What are your thoughts on bad feelings/premonitions and do you think you can use them to your advantage?

Horrible gut feelings, is the state of mind when one thing is going to happen it comes from the emotions that a person have , it is only a delusion that the mind produce through a lot of thoughts that cripes in the mind.

Dream Question: Sensitive to natural disasters?

I believe in science,but i also believe in things that have not been seen in science. It seems through out history people have foreseen disaster and the end of the earth. For years i have seen myself been shot or stabed is this because of the news i have watched, we know that a great change is coming the ice caps are melting and the sea is rising so does this account for your dream who knows, but i would say we will always find what we went to. I don't know if you saw the future nor will i say you did not.

Is he telling the truth?

Ok, so it was my final day of school today (forever!) and as you do I got the drunkest i've ever been before so everything seemed to blurt out about how i feel about this guy. It started back last year when we ended up getting with each other and because i was so annoyed i said that i liked him but really had a go at him because he didn't like me back at the time, It's been playing on my mind all year so i apologised to him yesterday and told him that I love him. He said that he thought i was beautiful and that he will always be there for me no matter what, if i was upset i just had to give him a ring and he'll be there as quickly as possible since he's going to uni in london and i will hopefully too next year as i want to go to drama school he won't be too far away. So since i'm a crying type of drunk I was distraught so later on in the day i was starting to sober up and he got more and more drunk to a point where he got aggressive with people and told me to 'f' off, then he was found collapsed in someones car.. (this sounds so bad i know). my friends keep saying that he's not worth it and there's plenty more fish in the sea but i find it so difficult to let go. So my question is was he telling the truth when i said that i love him, please help :) xxx

What do rats represent in dreams?

Rats represent people who are mean OR liars OR untrustworthy - they will sell you out at the first sign of blood or money. White is the color of innocence, purity and Spirit; gray is usually a color more like depression.

What could this dream mean postive pregnancy test?

Yesterday I got a negative at the doctor and wss told it may be to soon to tell so I go back July 1st... I had a dream today as I was napping and all I saw was a pregnancy stick and it was negative and slowly another line started to appear giving me a faint positive... I jumped outta my sleep bc my phone vibrated.. it was ironically a text from my bf saying "if I go by u a pregnancy test, will u take it" what does this mean? I also have had premonitions... I'm not psychic or anything... I just get feelings or thoughts and they are right. This only happens occasionally. Anyways Please help. Thanks!!:)

Isn't there a tiny difference between sharing and being forced to "share"?

Are people really so blind as to not see a minor distinction between giving and some uber authority taking away your stuff and "giving" that away?

What does this dream mean?

Okay so I was in my Dads parents town and the sky was green with black clouds and a tornado touched down and we were in the car so we started going really fast like 100 mph and then it started going to the city where I live which is really close but not the same town and then I woke up and now theres black clouds and thunder, lightning, and rain could this have been a premonition no one knew it was supposed to storm bad yesterday it was just on the weather channel today that its supposed to storm bad

Urgent advice going mad with this situation...!!!?

You both have seriously low self-esteem. Your partner is a dick but you tolerate it. He does not respect you, he is not interested in the relationship. I'm sorry but the sooner you realize you can do better, even if you are alone, the better. Good luck.

Does she still have feelings for me?

I want my ex back and this week we both went to vegas for a work trip/vacation (im 19 she's 18) we talked and everything, we joked with each other and we hung out a lot. We broke up 4 months ago and it's because shes going off to college next year. We didnt have any arguments during the vacation but we did sit together and hang out a lot. Im pretty sure I caught her a couple of times staring at me in the pool and at other times. I feel like she still has feelings for me, but im not sure. I want her back really bad, I wanted to tell her how I felt but i never got a good opportunity. The last we night we were there she got a call from her parents because they were staying at a different hotel and all of the seminars were at the hotel i was staying at. We were walking around the mirage with a couple of friends when she got a call from her parents it was 10 pm and they were waiting at the lobby of the hotel for her, they argued and she started to cry because her parents were mad at her and she was in trouble. We got back to the hotel and we went to my room cause she left her gear bag there and we had to grab it. We got in the elevator just us and she said she was in big trouble, so i pulled her in and just gave her a hug cause she was really distraught about her family. When i gave her the hug she put her arms around my hips. We got to my room and she grabbed her stuff and i gave her another hug and just told her she's only gotta put up with it for another month. Heading back to the lobby she was freaking out a I rubbed her back and she didnt do anything to stop me. does she have feelings for me still? (she was my first girlfriend too (i know pathetic) so I dont know whats going on)

Believers: Have you been conditioned to respect (and never question) authority?

Absolutely. My parents told me so often that "children should be seen, not heard". I think it was that controlling attitude that actually drove me away from my parents, my pastor, my church, etc.

After nine yrs i decided to break up with my girlfriend did i do the right thing...need as much insight as pos?

After nine yrs i broke up with my g/f did i do the right thing? Last night I broke up with my girlfriend of nine years. She was so hurt and distraught I broke down. I told her I just need time and can't be in a relationship right now. I just felt we drifted apart. She blamed me for everything and lashed out. I spent most the night after I left with her on the phone. She said she wanted a life with me n she will never be with someone else n now she's alone. Also she said while talking that she for seen this and that im a lair and a monster. She want to move in a house with me and start a life together. Im very upset I wasn't happy for a long time and I just couldn't deal. Now I feel worse then I did before. I want to meet new people but I don't think I can do it either. I just want both of us to be happy. Im fighting to keep my self in check bc I feel like I made a mistake. I don't know what to do. Every thing just went to hell. I should told her this months ago but I though it was just a phase but I never got over it. I feel like I lost my best friend. I never did a break up before n now I feel sick. Please help... Also I never cheated on her but their is a girl im very interested that makes me happy when im hanging out with her. She knows I like her but I have not told her because I was in a relationship. Im not sure if it will ever be more then friends but I do have strong feeling for her. And that was part of the reason I broke up because I was feeling something for some one else and she deserves someone that can be there for her 100%

Is it normal for a child to be so emotional because of a death?

well being an emotional wreck through middle and high school isnt so that. But you should do somthing with him you both like, find whatever makes him happy. But music heals the soul too, so try presenting him new music that he likes...try Skillet, they have amazing songs...quite relatable.

Liberals, does this make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside?

Why is this addressed to liberals? Are you including the ACLU in this challenge? In any case, no. You can continue to point out every single instance of old or young or other individuals being subjected to airport searches but unless you are advocating exempting entire groups from searches, you are contributing nothing worthwhile in terms of how to screen passengers.

Is "premonition" used correctly?

It depends on the context. "Premonition" means a vision of something that will happen in the future. If that's the case, then you did use it correctly.

My boyfriend had a dream he got shot and saw himself die, does that mean anything? Will it happen?

Dreams are from your inner mind. They don't predict future. it could be from the fatal car accident. Most likely he's just afraid of dying. No need to worry.


Ive had premonitions since i was nine or ive at least took notice to what was going on. having a random thought and then it happens. or a dream that comes true. mite seem normal right. well this has been happening everyday since of the age of nine. i dont know that im having one untill that thought or dream happens alot of the dreams i have are about death. i take them as warnings. one happened april 3 2011. i had a dream the grip reaper came and gave me a funeral invite. i asked when they were gonna die annd he said today. when i woke up from my dream i got a phone call from my mom. a family member shot himself. im only 18. ie had a dream similar to this for every family member thats died. not every dream like that. i dont mind having this. im not sure if it real. is there a way to find out if they are real like i can somehow tell the fututre or if its all in my head. and if its real how to control it

How much should a single parent earn to live in london?

I am 40 and have a 5 year old daughter. Have worked in marketing and the arts for 15 years, currently on almost �50k in the north but would like to move to London to be near family. Got offered �40k at quite prestigious organization but didn't think that would be enough for me to live on. I appreciate that I wont be able to live like a king but I also dont want to live in a 1 bed ex-local authority on the outskirts. Thoughts?

VERY aggressive behavior with chi/yorkie male puppy?

My chi/yorkie is 5 months old. He has gotten very aggressive, vicious, lunging at me, biting my hands & fingers. I took him to the vet, everything is ok. He will start Obedience Training in a week. I cannot get the halter on him, he goes "kujo" on me. I've never had problems like this with any other dog I've ever had. I at the point of almost being distraught. Any help/advice would be much appreciated. Thanks, Mary

Friday, July 22, 2011

How to get my posting deleted?

I made a posting but wish to delete them because I was told not to mess with the authority. how to delete teh posting? plse help

Does the Bible affirm class and/or social hierarchies?

Genesis gives a kind of pecking order of creation Mankind over the animals, Man over woman, God over all. I was wondering if the Bible also gave scriptural authority to some men over other men, whether they be church elders over congregation, kings and noblemen over their subjects, the wealthy over the poorer, the saved over the sinners, the Hebrews over their pagan neighbors etc.

I ve been having some flashbacks of dreams that are more premonitions than anything else. and i love them?

The brain can make time seem like a disjointed affair. IOW distort time. if you like it, fine. If you don't like it, get a brain scan.

What can I do about my aggression from all the religious propaganda and religious intolerance at school?

You poor thing, just try and relax, and don't take what they say on board, just let it come in one ear and out the other. Water off a duck's back. If you really can't take it then i suggest you go to a psychologist or something of the sort. Just remember you don't listen to anyone but yourself

How freaky is that, premonition dream?

That would be called a sixth sence my dear friend. If your interested you can make it growto wear you see much more but that might actually get kind of scary for some ppl. They have plenty of tests online for that as well (not official of course) some can see things b4 they happen and others can see thing that have already happened that others dont know or sometime they see both.

TV show: NCIS question?

In the NCIS episode, "Recoil", why is Ziva so distraught after killing the serial killer? She's an assassin, and has probably killed dozens of people.

Had a vision of what was going to happen before it happened in my dream?

Last night i fell asleep and i had this strange dream i was in a van with several different people me and my boyfriend to be exact and there was also several other people there little kids too. we were on our way somewhere then i see a lot of people from my town all in one spot about 200 people maybe more. everyone gets in too a huge fight people start shooting each other. It was just like a big massacre time goes by i see myself bleeding laying on the floor as well as my boyfriend and all the other people. Then 5 seconds later after that picture we were just on our way to where we were going i scream out TURN AROUND i just had a vision that we were all going to get hurt and maybe even die. we turned around but behind us i see the big riot thats happening. Its like i saw what was going to happen then i stopped it in my dream.It was sooo crazy what do you guys think this means? is something horrible going to happen? Did i have a real premonition? I need your guys thoughts about it if you could help me that would be great!

Is my girlfriend lying to me about her being raped?

I think her stories were true. It's just that, it happened to her many times now and she just doesn't care. Or maybe she likes it too. Then it wouldn't be called rape. Anyway, go and confront her sister but don't let her know. Although this act would destroy your relationship. just take the risk so that i t would never happen again.

What is the meaning of dream (that is a premonition) in your dream?

I had a dream that I was dreaming. There was a man in my dream that I had never met or seen before. Then the doorbell rang and I woke up to answer the door, but I am still dreaming at this point. As I answered the door, the man that was in the dream was at the door. He was a predator that tried to gain my trust, and did. In the end, I was able to get away unharmed, but when I woke up the most interesting thing about the dream was the premonition that occurred in the beginning of the dream. Any thoughts on what this might mean?

Do you believe in sleep premonitions?

hi :) ...... Some people (including myself) believe that everyone is available to all the information in the universe. Thats why some people dream something, then the next day it comes true! ;)

Do I have a case against Rent A center?

Do I have a case?My husband and I rented a 64 inch flat screen tv from rent a center,begining of Jan 2010 for 12 months.Our december payment was late,, and they would leave door tags, etc,One day I happen to come home and the tv was gone.and my door had looked like someone had broke in.Come to find out,Rent a center employees broke in to repossess our t.v. I immedieately went down to the store and complained to the workers about the situation, and one of the workers fessed up to it and said"Well we have the authority to get our merchandise any means necessary" and he referred me to his the store manager.its been four months, and no one has tried to resolve the situation, I have contacted Rent A centers corporate office, i have left messages for the district manager with no avail, what should I do?Do i have a case?And to top it off, my grandmothers ring was stolen by one of the workers, but they denied it.I have fifled a police report and rekeyed my house...but would I win my case?

Help!vision in dream?

Last night i fell asleep and i had this strange dream i was in a van with several different people me and my boyfriend to be exact and there was also several other people there little kids too. we were on our way somewhere then i see a lot of people from my town all in one spot about 200 people maybe more. everyone gets in too a huge fight people start shooting each other. It was just like a big massacre time goes by i see myself bleeding laying on the floor as well as my boyfriend and all the other people. Then 5 seconds later after that picture we were just on our way to where we were going i scream out TURN AROUND i just had a vision that we were all going to get hurt and maybe even die. we turned around but behind us i see the big riot thats happening. Its like i saw what was going to happen then i stopped it in my dream.It was sooo crazy what do you guys think this means? is something horrible going to happen? Did i have a real premonition? I need your guys thoughts about it if you could help me that would be great!

Daydream or premonition?

Ive had the same dream so many times that also seeps into my daydreams. Its always of myself (in the future though, like ten years) reading something in a coffee shop by a small fountain in Rome Italy, and a man stopping on a motorcycle and sitting down at my table and after some interaction I ask him to take me away and we ride off on his motorcycle. Is this just a dreamworld fantasy, or is it possible that its a premonition? I feel as though I know this man better than anyone for the number of times Ive seen him

What does it mean if you have premonition all the time?

I always have little parts of my dreams happen in real life sometime in the future, is it just a coincidence?

What do I make of this?

I had a sudden surge of anxiety and emotion while driving home today and I don't know what to do about it. I suddenly felt extremely stressed about something, then burst into tears, almost hysterical tears, and felt like something awful was about to happen, or already had happened. I'm sure it wasn't really a premonition or anything, but I still feel sick to my stomach and nervous. I have no idea what I could be nervous about. I'm not particularly stressed about anything...Any ideas on what just happened?

I need a title for my short story?

I'm working on writing a short story but I can't seem to come up with a good title. The story is about a man,an explorer who just recently returned from his journey to an uncharted enchanted land. On his adventure he met a woman who he fell in love with. The woman is warrior queen and is in the middle of a war. With all his knowledge and wisdom,he aids her in her battle for victory. Once they triumph over the enemy,the woman offers the man a chance to stay seeing as how they make such a great team. However,because of his established life back in his homeland,he knows he doesn't belong there and must return home to his family. Now he dreams about the woman and the magical world he left behind and what would have happened had he stayed with her.While dreaming he realizes the same thing he did in reality and that is he still can't stay with the woman he loves. He realizes he doesn't belong there once again and wakes up in tears,distraught he had to leave her once more but knew that he couldn't live in a fantasy,be it in reality or his dreams. Any suggestions?

Did the rise of religious authority in europe occur as a backlash to roman decadence and barbarian savagery?

No. It was through war and widespread persecution beginning with the six Crusades and followed up by the Inquisition which went global during the era of exploration.

My 30 year old son's girlfriend just broke up with him. How can I force her to take him back?

I've been calling her and texting her nonstop but I think she might have changed her number. She unfriended me on facebook and has blocked me on twitter. I just want to talk to her and explain that my son is the best thing she will ever have and she's being very immature and ignoring me. I've tried calling her parents at work and if they didn't leave in another state I'd drive over there and talk to them face to face. I am very distraught because I thought they would get married and make me a grandmother. She almost moved in with us and lived with my son in the basement. She used to talk about their future together. I'm debating whether or not to surprise her at work or ambush her at her apartment after work. I just want her to be rational about this. She's making a huge mistake and it needs to be nickled in the buck.

Can someone profile this person?

...lack of a father figure when young, or an abusive father figure. Permiscuous mother possibly. Or given everything when young, catered to at every turn, absolutely self-centered and spoiled rotten.

What should i do or say about my ex husbands step daughter?

My ex husband has married a woman with three kids. The youngest is in the same grade as one of our daughters. They see each other on the playground at recess. The step daughter is not very well behaved and he has told me his self that she is the spawn of the devil. My problem is that the step daughter is telling my daughter stuff about her dad that isnt true. This last time is the worst, she told my daughter that her daddy got shot in the head and died. My little girl was absolutely distraught. The school counseler had to call me to get her settled down because she was so understandably upset. I have talked to him about this several times in a mature nice tone. his answer is they are just kids, but our kids are the same age and my daughter knows better and has been taught to do better and would never do something like this. I do not want to be mean and cause trouble but it really upsets me when my kids are upset. They come home from his house and start crying because they were picked on all weekend. I just do not know wat else I could say to him or do that would not cause a huge fight between me him and his wife. I know kids will be kids but I believe this has gone a bit too far and has become too repititious. I know that the step daughter is on medication because my girls have told me that she has to take a "be good pill". Apparently its not working or they do not give it too her every day.

A movie about premonitions or time control or something?

There is a movie. It has to be fairly recent but not new. A couple are the main characters. The woman, I keep thinking it is Halle Berry, dreams that she is going to die. I think. Then, I think, her husband leaves and everything and she is freaking out. So she revereses time ( this i am not sure about. it just popped in my head. ) and spends the day with him again. One of the central scenes of them being together is them making love in like a countryside house where he grew up. I think it was unfurnished. In the end, instead of her dying, they both get in a car crash and he dies, or something similar, something of a twist that deals with the couple. In the end, I think it's all happy, or something, I don't even know. All I know is that this movie has been preoccupying my mind forever, and NO ONE KNOWS! Please, help, I need to know!

4 year controlling relationship? but i just cant keep away. any advice?....i am so sad and just sit and cry?

Ive become aware of just how often my partner picks on me and tells me im wrong. yesterday i was distraught over some bad news, i wasnt very talkative and was to upset to try and get my brain in gear when he asked me something. he went quiet. and then said i was not answering simple questions and this is what he has had to deal with for 4 years. he swung the whole thing round to be about what i was doing wrong. i was upset and not able to really talk. he could see that clearly. he then moaned at me for the rest of the night telling me all i do wrong. that he cant deal with me etc! i really needed him to just be there. but instead made me feel worse. this happens alot. im finding that i listen to him, i sit and take all those bad words. if i shout back he ends it and then i beg him to take me back! he thinks i cheat- i never have ever. i feel i cant let go. he has ended it again and im fighting myself. its a pattern. why cant i let go? whats up with me. im constantly trying to prove to him that im good person

Should speed limits be scrapped?

I am a very good driver. I have never had so much as a scratch in the eight years I've been driving. I do, however, know folk who have had accidents and they have all said the same thing "I was checking how fast I was going". I consider myself a good driver because I'm sensible. I'll cruise at 90mph on an empty dual carriageway, but I wont go above 30 in a busy town centre. This is not because of speed restriction, but due to the fact I don't want to hurt anyone/get into trouble. Even if I did speed, I would only get punished if I was seen by a police officer. If he sees me driving dangerously, he'd pull me anyway regardless of speed restriction. Why do we have these restrictions? They cause more harm than good. For anyone who disagrees with me, you could probably agree that Jeremy Clarkson is the authority on driving. He made this point himself on the last episode of Top Gear. I'm glad I'm not alone in realising this stupidity. What are your thoughts?

Should I contact this person?

Let me tell the full story. I have known this person since 2008. We had a relationship very intense, but at that time he worked outside of state and I have a son and did not want to place myself in that situation of just jumping with him. So, technically I am the one that ended everything. We always kept in touch. And the erie thing is even if months go by I will have a dream or premonition that there is something wrong with him. I had a dream he got injured at work. I was later able to get a holdd of him and to my surprise I was right! Last time I saw him was July, he commented he had a gf, so I made up a bf (stupid I know) but It was my only way to cope and not sound desperate. He told me that he loved me and that he had never loved anyone like me. Needless to say we had a great time, but he left again. I haven't spoken to him since. In Jan, I had a feeling to search for him. I was worried, but couldn't remember his number and never got ahold of him. I started having this feeling again this past week that there is something wrong with him. The only communication I can have his to call his mother, which I have never met or spoken to. I'm just wondering if he would get angry I am going all the way to calling his mother? Or Would i just look desperate?

Do you believe in paranormal phenomena?

No. However it's amazing most people's general behavior matches what their zodiac sign characteristic.

Please help: So what else can I do now? 8 months pregnant & terrified & tired in VA. Help!? ?

My boyfriend/baby's father walked out on me about a month ago. My lease runs out at my apartment June 30th, begged to renew it but I got no sympathy from my landlord. I am now 8 months pregnant, and completely homeless. Thank God I still have my job but its not paying enough to pull me out of poverty. No one else will hire me due to obviously looking so pregnant, no matter how much I plead or beg. I asked my obgyn for help & they attempted to involuntarily hospitalize me.My obgyn is making me take fmla leave july 30th due to a very serious case of anemia, and stressful pregnancy. So I will have no income at all come aug. I have gotten everything available to me from social services: medicaid, stamps, waiting on wic which I probably wont recieve b/c the come to your home in order to see if your fit. There is no emergency housing in my area, and People Helping People has closed. There is no section 8 for 2 years. The housing authority is also unable to help at the moment. I have tried the Mercy House, who says they can only house me when my baby comes, and there is no more money to help until mid August. The salvation army has all rooms filled, and First Step a womens shelter says I need to be a victim of domestic abuse. Im sleeping in my car, and living off of food not good for an already sick baby. I only have my mother as family & she lives about an hour away, and is struggling to get by on her own due to helping me as best she can. I am so tired, very sick, at my wits end and am very scared. I am 25 & have never been homeless before. I have always been responsible & financially independant & capable until now. I have already lost my home, and soon my job and my car. I fear losing my child too. What else can I do for myself? Any help what so ever will be considered a blessing.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Can stress cause weight loss?

I've been really upset over this guy for the past week or so and I've lost about 10 pounds. It's not really surprising, I've been so distraught lately that I just haven't had any appetite. What I don't understand though, is when I do get the urge to eat my body seems to reject it. I get sick within minutes after I've finished eating. Is it stress? What should I do?

Really confused on the route of exercise I should take?

well your going to have to work out all parts of your body. you cant just rely on cardio workouts even though those are important you will also need to work your abs, arms, and biceps. try asking a fitness trainer to help you out or give you some suggestions.

Ghosts/ Premonitions and other paranormal activity?

Ever happen to you guys? Anyone ever felt something or seen something they couldn't believe? Besides Michael Jackson dangling his child on the balcony.

My boyfriend broke up with me after 2 years, What am I meant to do?

Forget him and move on, you were far to young too be in a long term relationship as was he, which he has now realised, you should have been out and about with your mates enjoying life, instead you have wasted 2 years of it for nothing and no he won't come back because he has probably already got somebody else lined up to take your place.

Should I take this to small claims or tort court?

Do I have a case?My husband and I rented a 64 inch flat screen tv from rent a center,begining of Jan 2010 for 12 months.Our december payment was late,, and they would leave door tags, etc,One day I happen to come home and the tv was gone.and my door had looked like someone had broke in.Come to find out,Rent a center employees broke in to repossess our t.v. I immedieately went down to the store and complained to the workers about the situation, and one of the workers fessed up to it and said"Well we have the authority to get our merchandise any means necessary" and he referred me to his the store manager.its been four months, and no one has tried to resolve the situation, I have contacted Rent A centers corporate office, i have left messages for the district manager with no avail, what should I do?Do i have a case?And to top it off, my grandmothers ring was stolen by one of the workers, but they denied it.I have fifled a police report and rekeyed my house...but would I win my case?

Who are the "governing authority" mentioned in the Bible?

i think that it means the church da vinci believed that the governing authority mentioned in the bible is the church. good yo are realizing these things

What does "lack of effective exchange of tax information with foreign tax authorities" mean?

probably means that if there is something you want to claim as included in a tax treaty with another country, you need to get the exact quotation

Care to much or need a life?

I am single no children, but love my nieces and nephews with all my heart. I have always been assured by my sister that I have the right to tell her kids right from wrong. Yet she herself does not know right from wrong and when I state my concerns she agrees but then when I'm not around tells her kids not to worry about it. If I state my concerns about that she treats me like I'm acting like an idiot and worrying too much. I don't understand how any worries about safety of a child can be too much. Especially sincev we just lost a child last year. I am distraught and feel I am being pushed away. I wonder should I just move on and worry about my own life now? Everything I do or say anymore is taken out of context, blown off as stupidity by her as well as her kids. Who are teens.

Premonition Dreams.. Has anyone else experienced them?

Last night I had a dream that my boyfriend was having complications with his diabetes at work and went into a shock... I sent him a text around 2:00 p.m. today to see how his work day was going but he didn't respond until around 4. He's going to the hospital because of his diabetes. This isn't the first time I've had a dream to actually happen. Actually it happens frequently, not always as I dreamt but very similar. Has anyone else experienced this?

To people who can dunk (doesn't matter if its 8ft/9ft/10ft etc), how much higher is your MAX touch?

How much higher can you touch than your maximum dunk height, state ball used as well if not a size 7? How much lower do you dunk with authority/hard slam dunk/2 handed dunks and fancy dunks etc. How much higher can you jump with 1 arm up instead of 2?

I had a dream about a tornado?

Okay so I was in my Dads parents town and the sky was green with black clouds and a tornado touched down and we were in the car so we started going really fast like 100 mph and then it started going to the city where I live which is really close but not the same town and then I woke up and now theres black clouds and thunder, lightning, and rain could this have been a premonition no one knew it was supposed to storm bad yesterday it was just on the weather channel today that its supposed to storm bad

Where to find my soccer cleats?!?

a lot of soccer stores have them ive seen them in plenty of areas. not sure if youve heard of svp sports they have them. also try custom stores just for soccer.

What is your favourite Bible verse?

"I defiled them through their gifts — the sacrifice of every firstborn — that I might fill them with horror so they would know that I am the LORD." -- Ezekiel 20:26

Can he actually file a restraining order for this?

I met this guy a few days ago, we were hitting it off really well but then I noticed that he was downright delusional in a lot of ways. After a fight last night and today I criticized him for being mentally ill, he freaked out, insulted me, called me a stupid b****, and told me never to talk to him again. Now, I sent some distraught after texts that were not threatening at all, more along the lines of, "I was really starting to care about you and you call me all these bad things but I've never done anything but helped you and compared to how nice I've been this entire time you're being way over the top." For this, he claims he is going to court today to file a restraining order because I am "harassing" him. Will he actually succeed or is he just being dumb? I stopped texting him at all by the way since I'm not willing to get the cops called on me and I made my point.

Please help! Reoccurring nightmare affecting my day to day life?

Well I would say its more of a fear that your sub conscience is trying to deal with and get over than a premonition. Try not to think to much into it because all it is doing is keeping it fresh in your mind, which may be why you keep having the dream. If it helps find articles about how your brain acts while asleep.

My friend's "disabled" fiancee of 2 years is controlling and abusive, help?

I'm sorry to hear that, but I think the best way is for what some politicians and its constituents has said, but he has to pull himself up by his bootstraps.

8-year-old Afghan girl tricked into suicide bombing?

Islam is based on a book, books are always open to interpretation, islam is particularly easy to interpret violently, any religion that has to go around insisting that it is a religion of peace, probably isn't.

Disorderly conduct charge?

So, yesterday I got into a screaming fight with my father and got into a physical fight with my sister and fled the scene knowing one of them would call the police and apparently I got arrested for disorderly conduct and have a court date but I have NOT spoken to any authority about this. Is this even possible I thought there was a process to being arrested?

Did i have a premonition?

3 nights ago i dreamt my cat had a seizure (which she has never had before or any other illness) i put it to the back of my mind just thinking it was a random dream ..but then last night she did have a seizure which totally freaked me out.the only difference between my dream and reality was that a different person was with me but the conversation and my reaction was completely the same...what did i experience? that has got to be more than a coincidence

Very disturbing dream about death!!?

Heyy!! okay so right now its 5am and I'm trying to figure out wht this dream meant haha!! I found this dream to be very disturbing and it woke me up with this very unnerved uncomfortable feeling. But anyways what happened was I was in my basement with my sister and it was late late at night. But we could hear my dad talking to my grandmother, who has been dead for almost 10 years, upstairs. In my dream I have images of their conversation, through videos we find and things like that, but I never actually see her face. My sister and I then go and let the dog out and its all foggy, so I run inside. Once I get inside my sister disappears and my dad is sitting there. I never ever seen my dad like this before, he looks totally broken and he's crying. He tells me that he thinks my mom's going to die, and he gives me a specific problem. He also tells me he's afraid of losing his job and then being drafted into war. I then comfort him and we cry together. My dream then ends with me racing in my car to meet my best friend to tell her everything that is happened. i stop in a parking lot to call her and another car pulls up in front of me and 2 guys get out. One of them knocks on my window and I check to see that the doors are locked, which they are. the boys laugh at me and suddenly the doors unlock and they come in and i wake up. Ha sorry for the length I just soo wanna know what it means cause I feel like its a premonition or something. I've been having a lot of dreams about death lately tho, so I don't know if it relates to that. But answers would be awesome! thank you soo muchh!!

My son made me look like a moron in front of my kids. How do I recover?

My son is 18 and is a register manager at Wal-Mart so I really respect his wisdom. I have no idea where he got this idea but he told me Anne Frank (as in the diary of anne frank) was buried in tight designer jeans. Since we had a weeks lesson on Anne Frank in my classroom, I told a room full of third grade students what my son told me. I ended up getting in so much trouble with the school board. Parents called in and complained that I told their kids that! My boss (the principal) told me he was beyond astounded that I would say something so dimwitted. I feel so upset at my son for this! Why would he abuse his authority and lie to me like this!? I am so embarrassed I didn't even go to work at all this week. I've just been sitting around at home watching TV, crying and having a little 'me time' (which is REEEAAAALLLLLY nice since my husband doesn't always deliver ;))

What could this dream mean postive pregnancy test?

Yesterday I got a negative at the doctor and wss told it may be to soon to tell so I go back July 1st... I had a dream today as I was napping and all I saw was a pregnancy stick and it was negative and slowly another line started to appear giving me a faint positive... I jumped outta my sleep bc my phone vibrated.. it was ironically a text from my bf saying "if I go by u a pregnancy test, will u take it" what does this mean? I also have had premonitions... I'm not psychic or anything... I just get feelings or thoughts and they are right. This only happens occasionally. Anyways Please help. Thanks!!:)

What do you guys think?

If you do the hibernation idea you have to explain why they do that. Sounds like a good idea. What you could do is have them live in a hidden place and only come out when extreme evil appears. Or you could have Dr. Miquire create them.

Should I trust my boyfriend?

I have been dating my boyfriend for 9 months now, and for these 9 months, it has been near perfect. Before we started dating, we were the BEST of friends, so we kinda carried that on to the relationship, the kind where you can act like a total idiot with them and be goofy, but still be totally in love. We always tell each other how we're exactly what we've been looking for in a partner; looks, personality, everything. He constantly looks at me as if in amazement and tells me he's the luckiest guy in the world and is so shocked and happy that I'm all his. Like he's seriously swooning over me. But just this month, we had a huge fight that ended in him asking for a break. Now granted, the break only lasted one weekend (there was no date set for the end of the break, he said it would last until he sorted out his feelings. I was terribly distraught the whole weekend cause he said he would decide whether or not he wanted to leave me over the break), but the reasons for the break were all faults he found in the relationship, and pretty much in me. But when the break ended, he said he made a terrible mistake and said leaving me would have been the stupidest thing he's ever done in his life. He said he regretted asking me to leave during the fight the second I left his house and he missed me the whole weekend (still sorting feelings though). Basically, he said I had made him mad and he didn't know what he was thinking when he said he wanted to break up, that everything could go back to normal now and that he still loved me just as much as he always has. Now the reason I upset him is cause I have clinic depression and I'm a very paranoid person and was always paranoid he would cheat or leave me. I was previously in a relationship where my ex had been texting and Myspacing dirty, naughty things and calling another girl "boo" and whatnot while we were dating and I found the messages. He never admitted if it was more than just dirty messages. I've had terrible trust issues since and I can't ever seem to get past that terrible pain... I'm the type of girl who will give her all to the one she loves, so when my ex did that, I was totally and completely crushed. My heart was mentally leveled to the ground. Now my current boyfriend says he could never get any better because I'm the best and most wonderful looking girl ever and swears he's the most faithful guy ever and that I'm all he ever wants, but I have a hard time trusting that. Ever since the break, he hasn't been texting me as much, and he's been texting his absolutely GOREGOUS female friend like ALL THE TIME. And he still invites me to hang out A LOT, but theres like days that he does stuff and doesnt talk to me at all and pretty much disappears off the face of the Earth. Him and the girl he always texts seem very close and he's the shoulder she always cries on. I don't like that. Especially cause hes admitted to having feelings for her a while back but apparently not anymore cause he has me. They go to the same school so they have plenty of time where I dont know how they interact. He always sends little hearts and wink emoticons to her when they talk, they talk very cutesy with each other, and if she doesn't reply he always is like "Hello? Are you there? Hello?" and vise versa. And they text late into the night... When I bring up how much they talk and how the texts sound bad, he gets really sad/upset and he says "She's just my friend, you're my one and only. I really wish youd believe that." but I still can't handle it. And of course there's this factor: she has a boyfriend, but that didn't stop my boyfriend from luring me away from my previous relationship (the one with my terrible ex). She's very unhappy with her boyfriend at the moment so I'm worried she might be falling for my boyfriend since he's her source of comfort. Now, he has never given me a reason to not trust him. He's the best boyfriend I've ever had and I feel like the luckiest in the world.... I'm just worried I'll loose him. I want to stop being this way, being paranoid is no fun. And half of me even thinks I'm worried for nothing, but I can't get past this feeling. I want to believe it's all ok and that I'm looking at this all wrong cause then we could both be happy. He always promises that everything will be alright. Should I worry? Or is everything really ok like he promises?

Sims 3: Why are my Sims invisible? Help me! :( ?

Do the invisible Sims have custom content from somewhere? This could be the problem. If they do, try remaking them without the content. If they're regular-content Sims, I'm not sure. It could possibly be from teleport cheats, if you use them.

How can I make my mom happy?

My mom is very un happy. She's going through a horrible divorce in which my father has suddenly fallen in love with a different woman and has had a child with said woman before the divorce was even complete. She got so distraught about it she went to therapy. The therapist said that since she had all this trouble ( mind you at this time our dog just died) that she take a little vacation. So she goes to the grand canyon. She tears her ACL right in two. Now she has surgery and is confined in bed. But to add to all of this she can't work and since my dick dad left she has no income. In fact she has already missed a couple payments. And we may lose the house and move in with my grandparents. But also my grades are slipping. I try my best but I have a D in US History. Whenever I see my mom she screams and yells and I usually break down and cry right with her but I miss the days when everything was happier. So this is my question to you. How do I make my mom happy???

Fallopian and uterine pregnancies. miscarriage.?

hunthe best thing to do is pray thats the only answer i can give u ive never heard of a double pregnancy thoe

What is going on between this boy and me?

I'm 14 and so is this boy. I have this crush...well, no...I'm like in love with him right now. I've recently been having these dreams that we're together. The other day I had a dream that it was the last day of school and that I was running towards him because I was going to tell him that I was in love with him and somehow, as I was running, it shifted into our dress and all. And the dream wasn't weird or anything, it was actually rather beautiful...we were both happy and he looked at me in a way I've always wished for him to look at me. And I've also been having daydreams lately...that's it's graduation and that he kisses me and tells me he's in love with me. Like it's some kind of fairytale. I've always felt like he kind of liked me, and not until recently have I noticed that he's been looking at me a lot. I don't know if it's a sign. My friend keeps telling me it is, and that every time she has a dream, she always imagines us together. Usually dreams are like things that you want to happen or sometimes they're premonitions. I'm not saying I have a gift, I just want to know what the heck this means? Sometimes I get the impression that he feels exactly the same way but then I realize it can't be possible. I'm so confused. We've never talked or anything because we're both shy...I guess, but we know each other. Like, I know how he is and he knows how I am. His on/off girlfriend is really pretty and I'm like nothing compared to her. I'm not going to say I'm ugly but compared to her, I truly am not as beautiful as her. But my friends say that that doesn't matter, that's it's possible for him to like me, or even be in love with me. What I don't know is what my "last-day-of-school-premonition" means? Or my dreams? Or the way he looks at me? Or the way he acts when he's around me? He used to not look at me at all but suddenly he started to; he started noticing me. And I feel so horrible inside because I'm not going to the same school as him next year, but I really love him and it's going to be so hard to get over him. So, I said to myself, if it's in our destiny to be together then, we will be, and he will tell me something before I leave forever. Sorry if this is too long, but please answer all my questions. Thanks. -Chastity

Is this genetic? and weird to you?

Dreams are part of you subconscious. Meaning, the things around you, in your waking life are clues to what will happen next in the future. You don't always notice them at first but with you there seems to be a part of your brain that makes these subtle connections and make conclusions that turn out true. This isn't abnormal nor supernormal. That's just how your brain works. I'm sorry about your relative though. But I hope you grow to live with this because this is just how you are. Hope that helped a bit.

Husband wants abortion for Father's Day!?!?

I asked my husband what he wants for Father's Day and he said he wants me to abort our second child! I don't even know what to say. He said that he's not happy with our first child and that a second would make things even worse. He's out now with our son getting pizza to celebrate today, but I am distraught. We already have one child and I guess that's enough, and I'd rather save my marriage than have a second. What do i do? I don't want to get an abortion but i love my wonderful husband, please help...

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Could my dream be a premonition?

My boyfriend moved about 4 months ago and we are doing long distance. Today, i took a nap and had a dream. in the dream my boyfriend cheated on me with a brown haired brown eyed girl named Rachel. (if i saw the girl in person i would be able to spot her) when i woke up i asked my boyfriend if he knows a brown hair brown eyed girl named Rachel where he now lives. He seemed shocked and replied with "umm...yeah....why?" i didn't tell him about my dream. everything was so vivid. do you think it is just a coincidence? or something more?

My daughter's birthday was the best ever?

My name is Nicole and I'm 33 years old. My daughter's birthday surprise: I ate beans and cabbage all day, baked a nice birthday cake. Then I dropped trows and exposed myself fully naked to my 17 year old daughter, Haley. She was distraught and called out "OMG MOM WHAT ARE YOU DOING???" She knew that something was going on and I farted really loudly on the cake. When I was ready I stood less than a foot away from the cake and let out another monstrous 7 or 8 seconds long wet fart. The smell was horrid. It was like a combo of rotten eggs, a gas station, and anchovies. The whole room reeked. Then I fed it to my daughter Haley McKelvey who all ate it in minutes.

Creative writing story idea?

Ok, so I have a creative writing assignment where you must write a 2000 word story. My idea involves reincarnation and having the main character having premonitions on his/her past life. Can someone help me get a plot going? And how would I go into these premonitions without sound awkward? Thanks!

I need a title for my short story?

I'm working on writing a short story but I can't seem to come up with a good title. The story is about a man,an explorer who just recently returned from his journey to an uncharted enchanted land. On his adventure he met a woman who he fell in love with. The woman is warrior queen and is in the middle of a war. With all his knowledge and wisdom,he aids her in her battle for victory. Once they triumph over the enemy,the woman offers the man a chance to stay seeing as how they make such a great team. However,because of his established life back in his homeland,he knows he doesn't belong there and must return home to his family. Now he dreams about the woman and the magical world he left behind and what would have happened had he stayed with her.While dreaming he realizes the same thing he did in reality and that is he still can't stay with the woman he loves. He realizes he doesn't belong there once again and wakes up in tears,distraught he had to leave her once more but knew that he couldn't live in a fantasy,be it in reality or his dreams. Any suggestions?

Whyis he lying to me and changed so much ?

i need advice how does this sound. im close friends with a guy and 8 weeks ago he met a girl online-i think theyve met up but hes lied to me and told me shes from england, is staying with him etc . the other day he asked me to send an email for him and i saw an email she wrote. they send loads of emails and texts to each other always saying love you (he denied he loves her ?) now ive discovered shes not even here ! shes was moaning about not eating and needing money for medication and hes sent her �300 and now $550 for her airfare here. hes already taken a payday loan out and has had to renew this but hes denied it all-he says he never gave her money, that she lives here etc. im so hurt and angry we had a big row yesterday-he said i accused him of lying but he is and ive helped him no end with work, money and being a bloody good friend. i was worried he was being played but now he chooses to ignore me as and when im so distraught what should i do ?

Why do I feel like everything is my responsibility?

I feel like I need to fix everything, like everything is my fault. I've always been very compassionate towards others but it's starting to get out of control. Everything that's wrong with other people, all their problems, I feel like it's my responsibility to fix them, and I become distraught when I realize I probably can't help them. I feel like the weight of the world is on my shoulders.

Whats wrong with our legal system? Rod Blagojevich?

I live in Illinois and im disgusted with the courts turnout with this trial. First, I did not like Blago as governor, he was terrible, and even could have put my family out of business if he closed down this one place with TONS of jobs in the town. He was not a good governor, and maybe he did deserved to be kicked out for some practices. BUT he should not be going to prison. First, he really didnt do anything he was all talk, second, if he did do things, cant they let it go? He was kicked out. He has a family and actually seems like a decent guy. Like him or not, you have to admire his tenacity at this trial thing. Im a republican too, so I really wouldnt have liked him lol, but Im saying that to show you my un-bias. Why is it, he is going to get counts each of up to 20 years, and could possibly serve maximum 6 or 11 years? Its wrong in my opinion, when pedophiles and rapists and even people who murdered are on the street, yet they waste their time convicting a man they already kicked out of office? I didnt see them convict Clinton for lying under oath. I really think this is symbolic to people who want to have authority to the Madigans in Illinois. I dont know, it just seems wrong to me. Quinn should pardon him. Like I said, Blago really wasnt good, but he doesnt deserve this, and I hated the man. Im 16 by the way, and I see this as not good at all.

My 30 year old son's girlfriend just broke up with him. How can I force her to take him back?

I've been calling her and texting her nonstop but I think she might have changed her number. She unfriended me on facebook and has blocked me on twitter. I just want to talk to her and explain that my son is the best thing she will ever have and she's being very immature and ignoring me. I've tried calling her parents at work and if they didn't leave in another state I'd drive over there and talk to them face to face. I even called her sister and asked her sister to relay a message for me but she refused. I am very distraught because I thought they would get married and make me a grandmother. She almost moved in with us and lived with my son in the basement. She used to talk about their future together. I'm debating whether or not to surprise her at work or ambush her at her apartment after work. I just want her to be rational about this. She's making a huge mistake and it needs to be nickled in the buck.

Help with this story - ideas needed?

The family could try to cheer her up. Give her words of support and advice. Tell her that they will be there for her no matter what. Then turns out her grandmother's business goes bankrupt. She has no money and no inheritance. The next day she goes to school after crying all night and her friends all turn their backs on her. Turns out they only wanted her for her money. She goes back to her boyfriends house and has some serious thoughts about suicide and ending her life, and right before she commits the act her boyfriend comes in and catches her. She breaks down and cries and he rushes to her and holds her. He promises her that no matter what he will always be there for her. Then three months later she gets a letter.... from her dad! he said that he got left behind on last minute business and is alive and well. He says to stay with the family and once he finishes out his contract he will come home and they will live together. He gives her words of encouragement and says that he loves her and is still there. She is thankful she didn't take her life and everybody is happy for her. She makes new friends who all love her for her. And they give her dad a huge sum of mmoney that is almost as much as her grandmother had before she went bankrupt. And her dad comes home and they live together, mourning the loss of her mom. But both happy. The end :) Hope I was of help today!

Do you believe in sleep premonitions?

It did happen to me. There was a family friend. We hadnt gotten along well in like forever. I had a dream of her wake. It was all these people in her living room crying and dressed in black...just real somber. I woke up and told my mom who said just to blow off. The family friend died a day later from breast cancer. I still have dreams or predictions that come true...but not as weird as that.

Is it possible to have a tornado, flood, and blizzard happen at the same time?

I was just wondering because I live in Winnipeg, Canada. We've had floods, tornados and blizzards, so I'm somewhat paranoid. Hopefully my premonitions are wrong.

My boyfriend doesn't usually have dreams but...?

That dream could mean that right away, he thought of you as marriage material, or that you could one day be "the one".

Can psychologists or therapists give instruction on medication?

I was seeing one psychologist for a short while for therapy. She told me that she specialized in medication even though she was not authorized to prescribe. I was on one medication that my actual psychiatrist had put me on. She instructed me to stop taking it, go to a physician she knew and get a prescription for a different specific medication and told me what dose to start at. This made me rather suspicious. Is this legal? She didn't write the prescription, but gave instructions on what to take, what not to take, and how much to take. I didn't think psychologists had any kind of authority to tell you to stop taking something. She seemed a bit crazy herself actually.

Emergency Custody question?

I found out today that my sister passed away. She had 7 children, 2 of the 7 from different men. I am not worried about the 5 she has with her husband as he is a great father and will take care of them. The ones I am most worried about is the 14 year old (his father is in prison and there is no family to take care if him at the moment) and the 5 month old baby - from what I have heard he is an alcoholic, violent drug user. He currently has the baby with him. I live in San Jose and she lives in Oroville CA which is about 2 hours from me. I am planning on going to Oroville on Tuesday to go to the courts and am hoping to get the baby and the 14 year old so I can raise them as my own. Can I get an emergency custody hearing for the baby? What paperwork do I need to file? I am so distraught at the moment and all I can think about is that poor little baby, it's making me sick to my stomach. I made a promise to my sister that if anything ever happened to her I would raise her children. Any information would be greatly appreciated. I plan on coming home on Tuesday with my niece and nephew.

I Need Help With Enlish homework?

You need A LOT of *English help indeed. I can't even understand the specifics of your question because your grammar is incoherent. Please edit your question and re-post.

Should America become a communist state?

As a registered member of the communist party I believe the usa should become a communist state! As you can see , it is working in China so why not do it. My favorite world leader is Stalin. He was the greatest leader in history. Submit to the authority of communism. Life is better under the iron curtain.

I have dyed my hair 17 times in the last two years, my hair is so fried Help?

My hair is dry at the ends, I avoid brushing it when it's wet but to overcome the non brushed fluff ball I straighten it. I started trying to dye my hair blonde (not bleach it) I would start with a blonde colour then it would go gingerry brown (I have nothing wrong with ginger but this was not a good look for me) so I would put a dark brown on top and a few months down the line try going blonde again, it would be a repetitive circle until I found the dark brown I had used was fading into a light briwn which I loved but then had roots coming through (3inch worth) so I put a dark blonde over it sending my roots into a copper blonde colour then the rest of the hair dark brown. So I gave up and put a mahogany over it, this sent it a purple colour which I loved! But of course it faded into red so then I put cherry black onto it and it was getting redder redder and redder (I didn't mind apart from the fact my sisters wedding was coming up so I had to put a dark brown ontop which ruined my colour) so I wAited it out for a few months and dyed it brown again to remove the red tone so I could bleach it, well the brown had a red tone into it. So I thought screw it I'm bleaching it. That was a mistake I had black tips which faded into auburn then into Ginger then carrot then White, the only thing I could do was laugh! At this point my hair was falling out but it kept having growth spurts I was finally getting the long hair I had desired all my life. So I got a xxl colour live red passion, and by gosh my hair was red!! So I loved it bright red long hair until I used the wrong shampoo (baby shampoo) which kind of stripped the red to being an orangey colour I was distraught so I had to put a brown over it and now that brown has faded into a light coppery brown which I don't mind apart from the roots and the copper tone. My hair is so fried and damaged and thin but I refuse to cut it more than a cm! So in serious need of help! I can't afford salon treatment so it will be a home job!! Anyone suggest some decent priced products that will help me?? Please!?

What is his reason do you think?

There is no way to know. Are you two far apart? go to him. Maybe he feels fed-up or tired of this sort of relationship, and he has the right to decide that. Maybe hes in love with you and this kind of talking is to difficult, who knows. :)

Last night I dreamed that a co-worker of mine got killed. Should I tell him and share the details?

He is a forklift operator, but in my dream he was standing on some shakey scaffolding trying to fix some lights, The scaffolding gave way and he fell flat on his face and was killed instantly. It was awfull. Could this be some kind of premonition?

Question about Employer-Employee confidentiality?

Hello. I am an assistant manager for a local gym in my area. My general manager quit about 4 months ago and we hired a new general manager. I trained her for about 2 months. She has never done the job right. I have assumed most of her responsibilities while she spends most of her days working out while on the job. A member complained to the owner of the gym. The owner came to me and asked me about it. I told him the truth. She is lazy and abuses her authority. She calls off all the time leaving me to have to come in and fill in on my off days. I thought he would fire her. Instead he told her exactly what I said and even told her I was the one who said it! She has been now adding extra duties to my job, making me fulfill more of her duties and has had an overall sour attitude towards me. Is it legal for the owner to tell her what I said? I was just answering honestly. I don't understand why I have to get punished for doing my job and being honest. I have worked there for 5 years! Her 4 months.

Do you think police or someone with high authority abuse their power ? ?

I would like to know your opinions if you think police or someone with a high authority abuse their power

I just had a premonition or a 'glance into the future' - of us winning the title?

If this is such a wonderful moment, why did you not get a ticket and go to Everton, or at least go to a Pub near Anfield .....

So....if republicans are so against Obama's military actions why didn't they cut off the funding?

Defense contractors who support the Libyan adventure probably told them that if it didn't pass, they'd give their money to their opponents in the next election.

Are premonitions true? ?

Think that you are the luckiest person alive and hope that this happens again if you are ever close to getting seriously injured or killed.

Are these Premonitions?

I'm 16 years old and I've been experiencing for a while now, dreams that would come true the next day, a few weeks later, a few months later or even a year after. Sometimes I can remember what I drempt and what happened in my dream when it happens and I'd tell myself or my friends, ohh crap, deja vu dude! I had a dream that you were going to say or do that and this and that. They say yeah, it happens to me too, it's deja vu. I go, well it can't be that because I can also tell when the phone will ring and whose calling. I can also tell what some people will say even before they say it, it's so weird. What's happening to me?

Who will take over for the FTC concerning criminal debt collectors ?

I understand that the FTC's limited legal authority has led to the development of a new department that will impose greater fines in the millions and prison terms for criminal debt collectors that violate federal and state law. How will this apply to the thousands of third party citizens who have received threats to extort money especially when they have zero debts , are not associated or obligated to the debtor , and have requested numerous times not to be contacted by a debt collector. My question pertains to the practices of Worldwide Recoveries , LLC and the numerous aliases they go by. Also is there a national forum for people across the nation to report on Worldwide Recoveries activity ?

Can you please critique my writing?

This is really good but if you are writing a short story or a novel you need to put something before and/or after it.

Sexist boyfriend how to show him the light?!?!?

You have already painted yourself in a bad light. So you are using him for his money and cheating on him playing with his emotions and you want to tell his parents lies. just leave to poor kid alone you need help there is something wrong with you!!!!!!

I have this story idea running through my mind?

I like it! I also dont really reed this kind of book but im thinking that for your next move she should meet a guy who is a good guy. Then she really wants him but hes not sure about the whole pregnet std things shes got going on. So then she can turn her life around and blah blah blah lol. I bet youll come up with something and i hope MC becomes happy sometime :)

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Girls only:Have you ever had a strong feeling your supposed to be with someone,and then it happens?

For all girls,if your in a relationship right now.Did you ever have a strong premonition that you were going to enter into a relationship with that person before you ever started going out with them? meaning,did you just "know" in your heart that you were supposed to be with this person even before you started dating? and what did it feel like?

Please help! premonition in dream?

Last night i fell asleep and i had this strange dream i was in a van with several different people me and my boyfriend to be exact and there was also several other people there little kids too. we were on our way somewhere then i see a lot of people from my town all in one spot about 200 people maybe more. everyone gets in too a huge fight people start shooting each other. It was just like a big massacre time goes by i see myself bleeding laying on the floor as well as my boyfriend and all the other people. Then 5 seconds later after that picture we were just on our way to where we were going i scream out TURN AROUND i just had a vision that we were all going to get hurt and maybe even die. we turned around but behind us i see the big riot thats happening and we were getting driving away from it. Its like i saw what was going to happen then i stopped it in my dream.It was sooo crazy what do you guys think this means? is something horrible going to happen? Did i have a real premonition? I need your guys thoughts about it if you could help me that would be great!

If you had a future premonition in which you saw yourself...?

Committing suicide, how would you deal with it now, and what would you assume the reason that you committed suicide?

What do you think of these 2 anti-Imagination leagues for my book?

Wow, this has a lot of potential. Parodies can be great if done well. Bulgakov did a terrific story called "Heart of a Dog" that had government institutions that were parodies of the early Soviet Union. You might enjoy it.

Are you required to file a report naming your foreign bank accounts?

Is it true, that anyone who has an account in a bank or other financial account in a foreign country, or who has signature authority over such an account, that they are required to report the account to the U.S. Department of the Treasury by June 30 each year.

I need help with a script!?

I think it is okay. For some reason the first scene reminded me of the beginning of the Lord of the Rings, Fellowship of the Ring. I just don't understand how she would have drowned in her tears, but then I always have been the person to question things. I like the plot and I'll be looking out for the next scenes. Good luck, it really is good.

Could Stephen Hawking be qualified to be called a Prophet- not a false one, but a poor one?

No he is a scientist when he metions god he is trying to make science easier for dumb theists to understand

Are these things coincidences or Premonitions?

Okay, so i keep having these weird things happen to me ever since the day i turned 15. I am about to be 16 in a couple of weeks, but i have had these weird experiences. You see, every so often i would either say, hear or write about something in the day and have to see the EXACT same thing later in the day. Like i would be thinking about something to munch on, like a burger, and i don't think about this too often. And as soon as i like get into my moms car after school, she asks me if i would like to go to e restuareant and eat a burger with her. Another time i had told my brother, while watching the Grammys, about what mucic was on. I had said that it wasn't very good and suggested if they could put something on like(can't remember the song) but as soon as i said it, the music came on and we looked at each, eyes kinda wide before shrugging it off, but after me turning 15, i've had these weird little things go on and now its gotten to the point were whatever i mention or see, it tends to happen again later in the day. Are these just regular coincidences or Premonitions? And before you ask, i have had no paranormal experiences before, but i HAVE had an out of body experience and TWO near cases of death. Please don't say things like me being crazy or for me to seek help or things that don't relate to my question or things like that. I'm perfectly healthy and am serious about this. Thanks in advance.

Increase my SAT score?

Well now that I have abandoned the premonition of getting into any of the Ivies. I have narrowed down my choices down to two great schools, NYU and UC Berkeley. I am currently a Junior and my SAT score is 1180/1720 it's not a great score, so I want to ask for any advice on how to bump my score up to a 2050 and also what are the decent scores for these schools.

I just basically just screwed up my entire teenage life. What should I do?

This is very long. What I suggest you to do is to live your life normally and focus on moving out and a career. Smoking weed can ruin your life if you let it. You can still smoke it if you don't let it consume you.

Should i tell her even though it will break her heart ?

No, don't tell her please, I think it will be best if you just let it go, he has already paid the ultimate price for what he did, there was obviously something to like about him if your grandma liked him so much, let her hold on to the happy memories of him, I don't think it would be fair if you told her.

Explain the contrasting American and British views on the authority of Parliament to tax the American colonies?

americans were angry for being taxed so much by britian, but i think britian had the right to do so because they had lent america so much money for the french and indian war & the taxes were a way for america to repay britian. parliament was merely taxing america to regain the money that had been loaned to them.

Help! Complex hit and run?

I went to a job interview for a Federal agency. After I returned to my car from the interview, The entire drivers side of my car was smashed in ($5000+ in damage) and a note was left by the security guards to contact them. I contacted them and they indicated that my car was hit by an employee who drove off and there are two witnesses and that they also have video of the incident and know the identity of the employee who hit my car and drove off. Long story short I called the local police (since this parking lot technically was public property and security wasn't too interested in doing anything about this ) and the police asked the security guards (who are rental cops with no power to arrest someone) if they can see the video and speak with the witnesses. The police explained to me that they do have jurisdiction for this particular parking lot and would assist me. The security guards refused to give the names of the witnesses to police and told the police that they are viewing the video tape and will contact federal authorities to take actions against this employee and will get with the police when they get finished examining the video tape. The police told the guards they would be more than happy to look at the video tape but the security guards refused to give them the tape. Can these security guards refuse to give the police a video tape and the identities of the people who witnessed this person hit my car and drive off? The police told me that since the guards weren't cooperating, there really isn't much they can do other than issue a subpena and force them to turn over the video tape and the identities of the witnesses but it's possible the agency can successfully fight to the subpena so it really isn't worth the time. I really want this driver to face consequences for his/her actions and I'm quite sure my insurance rates will go up because this person hit me and drove off resulting in my insurance company having to pay to fix my car. The police did tell me about some Federal Paperwork I can file since this is technically Federal Property but I can't remember what these forms were. To make matters worse, the employee must be a member of the Union of this agency and knew I contacted the police because I was contacted by the Union who wanted me to drop my complaint with the local police for the hit and run arguing that this happened on Federal Property and the local police don't have jurisdiction on Federal Property even though this agency contacts the local police whenever they a law enforcement officer. Does the local police department have jurisdiction on Federal Property and if not, which Federal agency can I contact for help? Is it worth my time to contact a Federal Law enforcement agency for help? I don't like the idea that someone can hit my car and drive off then the local security guards who are not Law Enforcement officers can refuse to assist me and refuse to help the local police who were willing to investigate. What federal paperwork was this local police officer referring to that I can file a complaint regarding personal property damaged on federal property by an federal employee? Can the Union step in and protect this employee from facing any legal actions if he/she is caught? I haven't asked my insurance agent but will this hit and run accident raise my insurance rates since this employee most likely will get away with this or he/she may not even have insurance? I never thought having your car hit on Federal Property can be such a big mess! I always thought local police don't have any jurisdiction on Federal Property but this agency calls the local police whenever a crime is committed on their property such as a week ago a bunch of employees had their cars broken into. I also didn't realize the an employee Union can step in and try and bargain with me to drop charges so their employee doesn't get into trouble.

I am psychic about ONE person? Why do I have completely accurate premonitions about him?

Sounds like love to me.Since precognition has been proved by Cornell University, I would say you are tuned to his wavelength.May be you are "soul-mates"

Help with this story plot?

maybe her boyfriend tries to console her by asking her out and she's like, " R u asking for a date in such a situation? I cannot believe that such a heartless monster is the person i liked....U don't deserve that" her boyfriend gets angry and heartbroken and leaves.......

What would the Irish be like?

if it we were a superpower? We would be the same, wouldn't we, as the English and the Germans and all the rest of the f**kers. An inescapable trait of humanity, it seems to me. I was watching 'The Winslow Boy' today and I was very taken with the English sense of fair play and justice. I am in serious doubt that the Irish might have had that sense of fair play. What concerns me is: because the Irish have been downtrodden for such a long time, at the hands of the English, they regard all authority as arbitrary and act accordingly.

Tips to help my son to sleep at night! help!?

Try to bath your son about one hour before bedtime. I usually give my baby girl a massage with lotion so she feel relax after bath. And then try to tell the baby that this is night time and time for bed. I set the light to dim but not too dark.

4 yr relationship causing me mental stress....?

You are single,not married and you are free to do what you like unless property involved.I don't know why you are still with him.Does it matter who he goes out with after you have split up.I would say,good riddance and go out there and enjoy yourself until you meet Mr.Right.

I had a dream that evil Arabs captured Hillary and Bill Clinton and a few other people.?

I was very distraught over this. In real life I am a Democrat and I am Jewish. What do you think my dream means?

I have dyed my hair 17 times in the last two years, my hair is so fried Help?

My hair is dry at the ends, I avoid brushing it when it's wet but to overcome the non brushed fluff ball I straighten it. I started trying to dye my hair blonde (not bleach it) I would start with a blonde colour then it would go gingerry brown (I have nothing wrong with ginger but this was not a good look for me) so I would put a dark brown on top and a few months down the line try going blonde again, it would be a repetitive circle until I found the dark brown I had used was fading into a light briwn which I loved but then had roots coming through (3inch worth) so I put a dark blonde over it sending my roots into a copper blonde colour then the rest of the hair dark brown. So I gave up and put a mahogany over it, this sent it a purple colour which I loved! But of course it faded into red so then I put cherry black onto it and it was getting redder redder and redder (I didn't mind apart from the fact my sisters wedding was coming up so I had to put a dark brown ontop which ruined my colour) so I wAited it out for a few months and dyed it brown again to remove the red tone so I could bleach it, well the brown had a red tone into it. So I thought screw it I'm bleaching it. That was a mistake I had black tips which faded into auburn then into Ginger then carrot then White, the only thing I could do was laugh! At this point my hair was falling out but it kept having growth spurts I was finally getting the long hair I had desired all my life. So I got a xxl colour live red passion, and by gosh my hair was red!! So I loved it bright red long hair until I used the wrong shampoo (baby shampoo) which kind of stripped the red to being an orangey colour I was distraught so I had to put a brown over it and now that brown has faded into a light coppery brown which I don't mind apart from the roots and the copper tone. My hair is so fried and damaged and thin but I refuse to cut it more than a cm! So in serious need of help! I can't afford salon treatment so it will be a home job!! Anyone suggest some decent priced products that will help me?? Please!?

Should I go to rehab or the psychward?

I'll make it short Ive been drinking and doing drugs since I was 12 I am 22 now I have been drinking every single day just about since I was 18 I have done every drug in the book except heroin I never shot up I tried to commit suicide last weekend on a friday by downing a bottle of Vistirals and a bottle of Trazadones but I didn't take all the Trazadones except maybe like 10 the most I felt really screwed up for like 3 days then I began drinking and taking Xanax again I have a rehab assesment tomorrow I keep thinking something bad is going to happen to me I feel very alone all I have is my mother I tihnk everyone hates me everyone I know does drugs or drinks I just want a touch of a human without them wanting sex from me I feel very alone and confused and distraught I can't sleep and keep whimpering "leave me alone" because I can't stop thinking I have OCD since age 12 and depression and psychotic features I was in the psychward prolly like 10 times my whole life since 12-22 I was in the psychward maybe a month or 2 ago I can't remember my brain is so fried and I was diagnoised with a psychotic disorder I can't stop worrying I can't sleep I don't feel real my doctor isnt giving me my Klonopins for anxiety til next week and I'm on Ativan and they make me feel really weird and horrible and suicidal I don't feel like I'm really here I can't breathe I am scared and alone I just want my mom to hold me I don't know what to do if I should go to detox, my rehab asessment tomorrow or the hospital I don't feel "right" I just got my period too I don't know if that has anything to do with it I feel ashamed and used and horrible and I drink all the time and I can't take my Luvox medication because I drink all the time and I can't stop mixing pills when I drink cuz I'm crazy and thats what happened when I attempted suicide I didnt even go to the hospital I just kept having weird dreams and went to talk to my brother in the kitchen the next day and fell backwards and blackout for a minute I don't know whats going on I'm scared about 2012 I'm afraid theyre will be riots and I had a home invasion by someone I knew I'm afraid hes going to come back and kill me I am very scared of everything and life I want to be happy I can't I don't know what to do anymore what should I do!? I don't know how to have relationships I am socially awkward and i think everyone hates me I am a nice person I have fits of anger I might be bi polar what should i do i cant sleep or relax my neck is so tense i dont feel right at all I have to be up in a few hours for my rehab assesment and I cant drive I guess ill take a taxi i dont know what to do!? PLEASE HELP ME

I hate my life, could do with some help! ?

Please break it up a bit, I can't read all that. Skimming thru I read "financial problems" and "feritlity clinic". If you have money problems do not have children! I hope this helps :)

How should I handle his mistake?

Recently, my boyfriend's ex-girlfriend kissed him. He was distraught and is deeply apologetic. I forgave him and am trying to reassure him that everything is okay, but all of his old friends are trying to make the issue seem worse. They seem to want us to break up, and I am constantly on the receiving end of subtle nastiness from them about he and I. If I get angry, he freaks out and overreacts entirely, talking about how we have to break up because I deserve better. I trust him, but still wonder if I'm likely to end up hurt after all this. What should I do?

Any gramatical errors? Please read?

change "I use to watch it with my..." to "i used to..." but besides that everything was great. i think you really put m night in his place. although you could of used more insulting and loaded words, it was still a huge burn. your letter is nicely done.

Is being bullied in class reason enough to shift to another program?

Colleges take cyber bullying very seriously, especially after a student committed suicide because his roommate posted something online. Talk to your professor, your advisor, a faculty member you trust or even a friend. Don't quit the program because the other kids are being jerks. Don't let a few idiots change your whole life.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Frustration on looking back at my life so far?

You're lucky you realised this early, you have time to change your life and there is nothing wrong with it so far so no reason to be too worried. Just concentrate on doing the things you think are important.

Is the word girl the worst word in the world or what?

I kinda agree with you. When Im refered to as a 'girl' [and Im 43...] I feel like that person sees me as fun, outgoing and youthful...which is really how I am on the inside. Unless someone is trying to be blatantly derogatory, I personaly take no offense. I have a problem with the term 'boyfriend' least at my age. I think of it as juvenile, and reserve it for the 'younger croud'. I call mine 'the guy i'm living in sin with' :) Be well.

First and last name for my character?

She's a supporting character for a story I'm writing. Caucasian, short, boy-cut bleach blond hair, gauges, athletic build, slightly above average height. Mint green eyes. She's spunky, bold, speaks her mind and doesn't like authority. She's also British. Her clothes consist of a yellow tank top, black skinny jeans and black boots.

Is there an army regulation on extra curricular activities?

I am a PV2 in th United States Army and upon arriving to my unit I did not pass my DIAGNOSTIC p.t. test. I shouldn't of taken it to let my knee heal in the first place, but i was stubborn, and the results of the test showed it. I play semi-pro football for a team here on post, and now my NCOIC is trying to tell me that i cannot play anymore. I am not flagged and have always scored a 260 or above on the 10 p.t. tests I have taken since I joined until this one. I am not on any kind of punishment whatsoever and was simply counseld because of not passing the test. Does my NCO have the authority to tell me I cannot play football after I get off work on my own time? It really seems like he is just trying to screw me over for some reason and I think this solidifies why. My question to NCO's in any branch of military is this. If you had a soldier whom you thought was struggling physically reguardless of his or her oustanding scores in the past, would you force them to stop getting in better shape by making them quit the sports they are involved in? I know he cannot physically force me to stop, but I really would appreciate an army regulation I could show my first line NCO to show him that he needs to realize the extent of his authority.

If you were to tan topless in your backyard would the authorities be called?

I did sunbath topless in my backyard (my parents actually) 2-3 times a week all summer long, for three summers and no one called the police. I suspect no one was aware of it. The yard was large, with bushes above the fence in most places. The houses around us were all ranch style with single floors.

Have you ever had a premonition that came true?If so, what happened.....?

i used to read the tarot cards mainly as a party thing, but unfortunately most of what i saw was true for a particular family , so i have never done it since, it was scary.

Is the word girl the worst word in the world or what?

personally i am always shocked and slightly offended deep inside when someone calls me woman since i associate it with old people (i am 30 though so depending on your perspective maybe i am!). I much prefer to be referred to as a girl usually!

ICC ORDERS ARREST OF GADHAFI - what is that and do they have the authority?

Yes he is a criminal much the same as Adolf hitler,Saddam Hussain ,Pol Pot they have all commited crimes against humanity so are regardedas global criminals.

Is being bullied in class reason enough to shift to another college program?

No dude , dont change your life style or your class schedule just because some dudes have it against you , think about this their words are empty they mean nothing , they just reflect their own insecurity , so as long as they don't harm you physically you should not ... Well you know what not even then you should leave , you should go either to a teacher , your conselour or the cops and fill a warrant or something like that , remember the brave will live as long as the coward allows them to. Good luck and never ever feel bad about yourself , what they say about you is never more important that the definition that you have about yourself in your mind , in high school they made fun of me because I was Hispanic that never stoped me from studying and getting a shoolarship even now in college I'll find some jerks , what do i do I smile look at them a leave , again good luck and may God bless you .

Anyone good at figuring out dream meanings? need a little imput?

in march my fiancee' and i had some trust issues and shes apologized and wants me to forgive and forget..its now june and things have been good for the most part..should be moving back together in sept.sometimes it gets a lil rocky(mainly bcuz my insecurities she caused) but now i been having disturbing dreams about her..are they premonitions?, or worries and fear manifesting in my subconcious when sleeping about something she didnt tell me :/?hmm.....any opinions would be helpful

What is the next sovereign country that Obama will attack illegally?

Pakistan! Now that it is proven that they were in bed with militant Islam in hiding bin Laden, the peace loving Chosen One will start a nuclear war with Pakistan. His excuse? "I just wanted to see if those things work!!!!!

Was I inappropriate to do this to this girl I havent seen in 4 years?

Well if you were both drunk and it was only one night she more than likely doesn't remember your one night together of fondling. You really shouldn't have touched her like that a hello or something would have been a bit more appropriate imo.

I stole something and feel really bad about it. What should i do?

Hi everybody, i went into sports authority the other day and saw an under armour so i put it on under my shirt and walked out. Even though i didn't get caught or anything i feel really guilty and don't know what to do.

Is the House of Unforgiven real?

No it isen't. Unforgivness,is a human affliction,one if not rectified before passing,is one cross the unforgiver will surely as well truly bear.

Do you agree that Mr Anderson has that obvious Stone Cold-like character?

I agree to an extent. But, Mr. Anderson is his own heel persona. Stone Cold was confident. Mr. Anderson is cocky.

19 month old sleeps 9.5 hours a night?

He goes to bed 8/8.30 but wakes at 5.30/6. If we put him to bed earlier he often gets up earlier. Once he wakes in the morning, he won't resettle and if we try to leave him - going in every 10 mins to say it's still bedtime - he gets distraught and the neighbours get annoyed. He sleeps for 1.5 hrs in the day anytime after 1130 because we battle to keep him up until then, he's a bit cranky and yawning at points of the morning. I wake him after 1.5 hours because he used to sometimes sleep for 3 hours, and we found it ate into is night time sleep (previously around 10.5 or 11 on a good day) but now he's on 1.5 nap and 9.5 at night. What's the best solution? Live with it or make a change? Any constructive tips or advice would be much appreciated. Thanks!

Do hispaincs have double standards where are the protests in Mexico?

yes, always!! The way they treat illegals in mexico is horrific compared to how they demand to be treated here. They will protest here but run cowardly from standing up and fighting for their own country and people, whine racism but mexico is the most racist place on earth to their own black citizens etc...

I'm having issues trusting my gf?

Some time ago, she confessed to flirting w/ another guy (by eye contact only) and apologized to me for doing so. She explained that the reason she did this was b/c she had a need that wasn't being met by me and she went to get that somewhere else. I forgave her and we moved on. Recently, she was emotionally distraught and told me she needed to talk to her ex-bf b/c only he could see the sadness inside her. Imagining my woman emotionally confessing to her ex-bf because of her belief that he has the ability to see something in her whereas I do not, tempts me to fear infidelity. Why can't she be emotionally competent enough to handle whatever she needs to handle in a way that doesn't compromise our relationship? I walk around fearing the next "creative" way my gf will seek to solve her emotional issues, how far her next emotional currents will take her beyond the bounds of our relationship, and the inevitable damage to my trust in her emotional integrity, and by extension, my trust in her. She didn't actually go through with the meeting w/ her ex-bf and later apologized to me for even considering it, but I'm still worried. I no longer trust this woman.

Is this ticket worth fighting?

I turned onto a street with residential permit parking. A worker from the parking authority saw me make this turn and saw that I had stopped. As I'm waiting for a friend, she starts making her way to my car where she then hands me a ticket. I asked her why she gave me the ticket and she replied, "I already wrote the ticket and didn't know you where in there"! Is this unethical? Do I just pay the damn ticket?

Where can I research Premonition Dreams?

Talk to some one and i don't mean a shrink. SOme of the psychs know what they are doing. If you ask them they might be able to tell you.

Help with a problem with paypal and ebay!?

The one who is threatening to go to the police is an idiot. She is guaranteed a refund under eBay! She has NO CASE, don't worry about it at all. You have all the information from PayPal to prove she is wrong.

Raising an injured baby chick alone ?

There was a clutch of five all brooded by the mother hen. One took a day longer to hatch than the others and is smaller and weaker by comparison (but still healthy). Yesterday, the other chicks began picking at him. From the base of his head and down the back of his neck is raw and fuzzless. We didn't think he'd make it if we left him with the others, so we removed him to a tank. He is very distraught. My question is, will it be safe to move him back with his siblings and mom once he is healed in a few weeks? Or will they be likely to reject him? Will this chick develope the social skills needed to be with other chickens later? Fyi the chick is about three weeks old now and is being kept company by a mirror in his enclosure.

Do universities have the authority to deny a student's right to withdraw?

They won't stop you from withdrawing, but they can (and probably will) prevent you from requesting transcripts or receiving any other services from the school.

Title of a child's book I read years ago?

A young adult fiction about a young girl who lives in an old house with a walk in attic. In the attic there is a dollhouse which is a replica of the house she is living in. She can see into the attic of the small house where two or three past stories are acted out. One story is of two little boys who lived in the house during WWII and the second is about a little girl whose mother was kind of crazy and liked to go to high society parties. One evening the little girl's mother locks her in the attic and takes the key with her. The little girl gets cold and starts a fire to warm up but it gets a bit out of control so she hides under the attic floor boards and suffocates. The girl who is watching this is so distraught by this that she watches other parts of the house and notices that when the little girls mother left that the key fell out of her pocket in the kitchen. She goes to her kitchen and searches the cracks in the floorboards and finds the key! She brings the key up to the attic and when she sees the little girl get locked in she places the key inside the dollhouse attic. The little girl gets the key and escapes death in the attic.

OLTL:What is wrong with the kids in Llanview?

Not all are bad seeds. Starr, Danni, Destiny, Shane, Langston (but she got the puppy love on Robert Ford), James (only time he got mad was to protect Starr or stood up to his abusive dad), and some others. Lets not forget Sam who is still very young right now. The Shane's bully line is just a rehash of the same storyline that Matthew went through. I am surprise that they have not used Matthew's bullies to bully Shane as well.

Please help! Reoccurring nightmare affecting my day to day life?

Dreams do not predict the future. I want you to know that. They are only a convenient window into the inside of your mind. It probably just represents a lingering fear of car accidents, which probably has some root in your judgment of your proneness to a car accident. It never happens due to your failure, only the aspects you can't control and you hate thinking that even though you drive well, you are still at risk. If not this then my next best guess is that you are just a nervous driver and the dreams come from that.

Nike slide shoe help?

Hey, so my friend had these really cool slide shoes that I want to get. Slide shoes are like flip flops but they don't have a strap between your big toe and second toe, so there is just a big strap coming across your foot. The slide I want are Nike, mens, and are black and white. They also have a foam bottom, and the foam is black- everything else is white. That's pretty much all the info I can give because my friend is out of town so I can't provide a picture. When I asked my friend where he got it, he said "I don't know, sports authority or something." I went to sports authority but they didn't have them. So, if you could tell me where these shoes can be found, please give me a link or a store I can go to. Thanks!

Do I have some sort of premonitions/something else?

I believe you are very sensitive about things. I have had dreams of places overseas before I even knew about them and was invited by someone to visit and traveled to that place only because my luggage had been delayed at the airport. Deja Vu big time. I started having such dreams when I was 12 years old, many of them were very serious and foreboding and many were very happy.

How to get him to open up. ?

This guy I know just broke up with his girlfriend, and I was just wondering how I could get him to open up to me... He seems distraught. Texting etc?


I was playing world of warcraft and I just realized that im still a virgin at the age of 27. A few hours before that I got some sort of premonition that I was going to be killed by a centaur. I dont want to die a virgin so I DESPERATELY NEED TO HAVE SEX IN THE NEXT 4 HOURS!!! also I need someone to tell me how to have sex, like I know where the penis goes but I dont know like how to use it, what do I do?

Will some one tell me if it is strange having premonitions while sleeping?

every now and again i see things when i dream and they happen in real life. in 8th grade is when i had my first one and i told my friend that i seen in my dream that her and her bf would break up and she told me not to say that and 2 days later they broke up. its kinda freaking me out cause i had another one yesterday night this is the 100th one i have had.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Unique Xbox 360 games. ?

like onechanbara and deadly premonition were two games i had never heard of but now i have them both and i love em please help:)

Can people really have "premonitions"?

Yeah I know what you mean. I have them all the time but I just ignore it. Then when something does happen, I get pissed( Why did I ignore it) People usually call it the GUT FEELING, or I GOT A BAD FEELING ABOUT THIS. I really don't know why or how this sensation happens, could be that you are psychic, or something else. If this instinct is trying to warn you, I guess you shouldnt ignore it. I remember back in the day in my teens when I could do psychic stuff all the time, but not anymore. I dont feel it anymore. sucks And its funny when your parents dont believe you, soooo i just keep this stuff to myself. They dont know what i know but they think i dont know what they know but I do know what i know that they know,,,, you know.

Have you ever had premonitions/visions of the future, which actually came true?

Omg this reminds me of something really weird that happened to me, but it was deja vu.. I was in 7th grade and we had to write a story based on greek mythology. So i wrote a story one how the god of the underworld( I actually don't believe in this, i believe in Allah (SWT) ) married this one girl who really didn't want to marry him. And so she would always miss earth, and hate watching dead people. So after every 5,000 people died she would go up to the clouds, and cry in them. So the earth would get rain. That's why in funerals there would be rain. ( This story isn't true i jsut wrote it) Then like 2 days later this guy died, and on his funeral there was rain. So i guess it really wasn't a vision, but it was really spooky. Lol O.o deja vu is creepy.

Is this a scenario where the person was "asking" to get hit/attacked?

Your friend is seriously out of control. She does not have the right to hit another person regardless of the reason. Going to jail might be beneficial.

My son wont get help for his addiction?

I'm so sorry to hear about your situation. I myself am an addict. I took so long to tell my parents about it. I'm not sure if you can take your son into detox at a hospital that has a rehab connected to it or not but it'll take time. Like the person above said, when a family member is sick in their addiction, the whole family becomes sick. It might get to the point where you have to wait until he realizes his life is becoming very unmanageable. As for you, you could help yourself out by going to a substance abuse councilor. My parents do this so that they can understand drug addiction and be able to talk about it to someone who's got a profession in the field. I hope this helps.

Everything I write down in my story is coming true in my life...?

coincidence. we are capable of prediction or fore tell, but cannot be ascertained. we canot take it as grant that every thing will come true. own experience.

My 30 year old son's girlfriend just broke up with him. How can I force her to take him back?

I've been calling her and texting her nonstop but I think she might have changed her number. She unfriended me on facebook and has blocked me on twitter. I just want to talk to her and explain that my son is the best thing she will ever have and she's being very immature and ignoring me. I've tried calling her parents at work and if they didn't leave in another state I'd drive over there and talk to them face to face. I am very distraught because I thought they would get married and make me a grandmother. She almost moved in with us and lived with my son in the basement. She used to talk about their future together. I'm debating whether or not to surprise her at work or ambush her at her apartment after work. I just want her to be rational about this. She's making a huge mistake and it needs to be nickled in the buck.

I think I am going crazy with loneliness?

Its normal I would feel like that too in your situation. I used to be lonely and feel really dependant on my close friends but the best thing to do is to meet more new people to keep yourself could even be texting buddies,online or something like that.

If the Consitution is dominant over the bible, and Christianity as official religion violates the 1st amend?

Then why do people quote bible verses as authority when arguing matters of law, such as government recognition of gay marriage?

What to do about people vandalizing our house?

A few weeks ago I woke up to go to work and when I opened my door, everything we have outside (a grill, chairs, table, plants, garbage cans etc) was piled up against our door so that I couldn't open it. We didnt do anything about it then. but I woke up this morning and someone had put a traffic cone on our porch. What do we do to let authorities know what is happening? and what do we do with the traffic cone? its about 3 or 4 ft tall and you cant just throw that away.

"What if this happened"?

You got married ??? Sadly it happens to 2 out of 3 people girl.... Ah no seriously what happened Now I wanna know...please ?

Why Is my baby saying dada?

Trust me it doesnt mean anything i had the same problem its just a really easy word for babies to say it has nothing to do with the dad or anything

If a cat is blinded by a laser pen, can authorities prove who did it?

Assuming no one saw and obv' the cat can't identify who shined the pen since A it's blind and B it's a cat?

How to help my mum cope when her dad passes away ?

I have had experience with the loss of loved ones (my mums' mum). I was a little younger and even then it was hard to push a tear . I loved my nan however i can't cry or show much emotion when i feel the awkwardness of the death of a loved one. Its not that i am not feeling them its hard to show them when i see my parental figures crumble before me , People i remember being unbreakable . It ***** me up to see my mum cry and now i receive news that my mums' dad who lives over seas in China is starting to show signs that he is becoming more frail (he is very old )etc. I digress , What i originally wanted to ask was ; how do i take care of my mum when the time comes ...? How do i show her how much i genuinely do care when i can't show emotion? How do i not appear to be heartless when my mum needs my help the most ? . I fear my mum will believe she will have no one left after both her parents die i can't stand too see my mum that lonely and distraught. Thank you.

What do you think of this dream?

Wow, what did you eat before bed? Anyways dreams are dreams. It's nearly impossible to control them. It could have been something in the back of your mind or just something completely random. I had a dream I was making out with a girl i'v never seen in my life 0.O

My personal trainer won't cancel my payments - what the heck do I do?!?

This is a perfect example of why it can be very bad to set-up automatic payments. Sorry, but you are stuck for the duration of your contract.

Doesn't know what to do! please help me! :(?

I would say leave her because she doesn't know what she wants she only wants to be bothered with you when she wants to .

How freaky is that, premonition dream?

I feel so not alone! I predict things, not in sleep though, but in my wake. I guess I kind of jinx it or something, because the things I say become horrible things in the future. I asked for a guardian, but later turned out to be turned on by me. :O

How do I just get on with life now...?

Ok I broke up with my boyfriend three months ago becoz I knew I wouldn't have time to see him this year since its my last year of high school and I take part in alot of extra murals and I didnt feel that that was fair on him becoz I dont want to leave someone hanging. He refused but I didn't give in until he eventually agreed. i rememeber that day like it was yesterday. I really wanted to remain friends but then a while ago he smsed me asking on whether he should move away with his family. This made me distraught but i told him he should go because his best friends are there and his family and friends will be with him and they are his greatest support so he moved. I now miss him really badly and find myself so unhappy. I am still young and have an exciting future ahead of me coz next year I will go to varsity. I want to be happy but I can't. I find myself wanting him back so much. I still love him so much but I need to get on with it now else im gonna regret being so gloomy at this age. I miss everything about him. He is my first love. I always thought people were so stupid about saying how much they love a guy but now I'm in that boat. I don't want to talk to my friends about how much im missing him and that because i can imagine it gets quite irritating and I cant talk to my parents cuz they look at me like im a silly teenager. Please help me....... I want to enjoy my girl friends and stop longing for a guy to hug and talk to. He was my best guy friend and I don't think we will ever be able to be good friends now...... I swear Im finding it way harder to get over him than he is finding it even though I was the one that wanted to break up. Coz I started smsing him to find out how he is keeping and then he will be all nice saying he will get back together as soon as we get the chance to and then the next he is all mean. I know I should leave him alone but im longing for his company..... Sorry about yapping on..... This is kind of theraputic..... Please any advice will be great.......